Further Reading
Looking to delve more into Singapore’s natural heritage after checking out Of Roots and Leaves? Here are some resources that the team found useful during our research:
Alfred Russel Wallace
The Malay Archipelago
Macmillian: 1869
Chong Guan Kwa, John Sturgus Bastin, and William Farquhar
Natural History Drawings: The Complete William Farquhar Collection : Malay Peninsula, 1803-1818
Singapore, Editions Didier Miller: 2010
Andi Kur
On the maintained significance of botanical illustration in modern plant identification guides
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga: 2018
Ang Seow Leong
Nature Conservation in Singapore
Singapore, Biblioasia: 2021
Faris Joraimi
A Banquet of Malayan Fruits: Botanical Art in the Melaka Straits
Singapore, Biblioasia: 2021
Georgina Wong
Singapore’s Environmental Histories
Singapore, Biblioasia: 2021
Josep-Maria Mallarach, Bas Verschuuren
Changing Concepts and Values in Natural Heritage Conservation: A View through IUCN and UNESCO Policies
Los Angeles, The Getty Conservation Institute: 2019
Nadirah Norruddin
Magic or Medicine? Malay Healing Practices
Singapore, Biblioasia: 2021
Timothy Pwee
From Gambier to Pepper
Singapore, Biblioasia: 2021
Timothy Morton
The Ecological Thought
Cambridge, Massachusetts, and London, England, Harvard University Press: 2010
W. Chunneng & O. B. Lay
Conserving biodiversity: the experience of Singapore
Southhampton, WIT Press: 2005